Saturday, July 11, 2009


Sorry we have not posted for some time. We thought it would make sense to alert people that one of our contributers has been threatened with a lawsuit with damages, for defamation of SATIC. The claim was that the company had absolutely nothing to do with Smallwood, nor were they associated with him in any way. The alleged "defamation" had cost them $100,000 in sales of their products. However, Smallwood's name is STILL on their website as the inventor of this product.

We challenged Mr. Erickson that he had told his attorney falsehoods and we could easily prove this. He was upset and called us nasty names. It would appear that the owners of this company found themselves involved with Smallwood, to the extent that they have to pay him to have the product made and shipped to the USA from China. Like many before them, they invested their time and money in this endeavor without realizing who and what Smallwood is. Once they knew they could not get out without losing their investments, they continued to do business with Smallwood at their own risk. We cannot really review their product, but what we can say is that if it is coming from Bob Smallwood, then its certifications, patents, and warranties are suspect.

We duly informed Erickson that if he wished to share his story we would be glad to post it.

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